Ozriel l'redi
A commander for a small mercenary institution called the Cerberus Brigade.
Marital Status: Married to Xerxes Kabirii
Orientation: Greyromantic / Greysexual [Male leaning]
Free Company: Cerberus Brigade
Age: 24 [By Shadowbringers]
Height: 5"5ft estimated
Clan: Sun Seeker
Citizenship: Illegal Ul'dahn Citizenship
Birthplace: Unknown
Home City State: Gridania
Occupation: Leading commander for Ceberus Brigade / Mercenary

In the Pearl Lanes...
Ozriel was born without an identity of his own, his sense of self relies on one thing; the blood of a fighter. He lacks the knowledge of his infancy as well as much of his childhood. Ozriel was raised to be a fighter, specifically an endurance fighter due to the aether in his body amplifying his defensive abilities.He was raised by merchant Lalafells and Hyurs, suffering multiple instances of abuse, lashings and the like. Due to his childhood trauma and forced isolation, Ozriel has a difficult time understanding others in general, at times being too blunt without meaning to as well as holding a forward personality that sounds more harmful than it actually is.
Art of Ozriel [Drawn by me]